Monday, August 27, 2012

Failing to plan is planning to fail!

Unfortunately, with my job I never know exactly where I'll be when I need to eat lunch or how much time I'll actually have. I rarely have access to a microwave or a fridge. I used to just gab whatever was around and I wouldn't pick the best options especially if I didn't get anywhere around food until 2pm. Now thinking back, going from breakfast at 6:30am and not eating a bite of anything until 2pm sounds CRAZY. It's no wonder I inhaled every single piece of food in sight and didn't stop until I was uncomfortable.

That definitely had to change when I started training more serious at the beginning of the year. I now pack a cooler full of options for mid morning sacks, lunch, and mid afternoon/pre workout snacks. Everything is prepared the night before so I can just grab and go! It has changed my eating habits for the better and I no longer reach for the unhealthy foods when I'm away from home.

Here's a snapshot of my turkey, spinach, and cilantro jalapeƱo hummus wrap. Eating healthy doesn't have to be difficult or boring!

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